*Did you already create an account? CLICK HERE to check...

It's OK if you don't know ALL of this info, you can go back and modify it later... Just BE CAREFUL with your N# , PIN and GRADE

Enter your Student N# (replace the x's with your own numbers)
(WITH the N):

Enter your PIN (enter this slowly & carefully...)
(usually five digits):

(exactly as on your ID):



Grade (for this upcoming school year):

Vehicle MAKE
(ex: TOYOTA):

Vehicle MODEL
(ex: CAMRY):

Vehicle COLOR
(ex: BLUE):

Vehicle YEAR :

Vehicle TAG (License Plate #) :

Insurance Policy Number :

Best Contact Phone # (with Area Code)
Before SUBMITTING, Please scroll up and DOUBLE-CHECK both your N# and your PIN

By checking this box, I hereby I affirm that the above information is correct to the best of my knowledge. I am aware that any misrepresentation may result in the revocation of parking privileges at Venice High School and a loss of payment. I also affirm that I have read and agreed to the VHS Parking Policy (Available on the HOME PAGE))

Please note that this DOES NOT GUARANTEE a specific spot UNTIL YOU SUBMIT PAYMENT.